Need for Speed? An independent Controversy on Sustainable Mobility.

-- a note from _kt75 Key words : Mobility, Sustainability, Hydro-, Wind-, Solar power, Railways, Transport Downloads (problems ? contact: ) Server 1 | 2 Server 3 Summary It is a popular misconception that a certain good , for example a certain transport service possesses an inherent sustainability per se. Attended is this perception by the widespread belief that technical/technological development (i.e. any kind of tools, standards, etc.) more or less guarantees the sustainability of a certain good. Such technical measures in addition to e.g. environmental standards, labels, certificates, protocols, might be helpful to facilitate the sustainable use of a certain good, if applied appropriately and if – in addition to the economic dimension - also the technical, environmental and geo-political dimensions of a certain good are considered in a comprehensive way. Decisive however, for successful and robust, thus sustainable development according to the Brundtla...