
Es werden Posts vom November, 2017 angezeigt.

enerMET v1.3.7beta: multi window handling included

2017-11-25 The next step in the development of ener MET ( ) included the preparation of multi window handling. You can now open several windows (e.g. empty ener MET windows, weather sheets or tabs for energy demand calculation - here results of the main jENERGY.js function will be provided - remark : jENERGY.js is the sister function of jWEATHER.js ).  By clicking on the respective top window bar the corresponding window will be put in front and the others placed in the background. That window being in the front is also the active window, easily recognisable with the powerful bar color. As previously, the windows are also draggable and separately removable. For further information join either the newly launched E nergy . M onitoring . M anagement group on LinkedIN: , follow via twitter: or get directly in touch: .

Just created: EMM Energy . Monitoring . Management

2017-11-23  In order to further boost the broad acceptance of energy monitoring and management a new platform has been created: EMM E nergy . M onitoring . M anagement ( ). You may join freely and benefit from most recent news in energy monitoring and management in particular in the sectors facility management, building technology, energy generation and distribution. Focus is dedicated towards corporate and public real estate portfolios. You may also be informed about the further development of ener MET , the independent energy management tool ( ).

BLOG enerMET: Update completed

2017-11-16 The update of the enerMET blogpage has been completed. Get most recent news about the development of the application ener MET  (current version 1.3.7, release 20171031).  The blogpage is optimised for desktops as well as for handhelds (iPhone). Support: .

enerMET v1.3.7beta: geolocation implemented

2017-11-14 In order to further improve the functionality of the application ener MET (current version 1.3.7beta, release 20171031, ) the j-application geoLoc has been implemented. Depending upon the approval by the user, the current position of the user is detected and its location is used as home location. Currently, the estimation of the present residential energy demand, based upon environmental data is on the way. You may visit in order to get a first impression. In case you want to support the further development, get in touch: .

enerMET v1.3.7: databooks implemented, password security enhanced

2017-11-04 As a next step in the development of ener MET  the handling of databooks has been implemented. Now you can create and manipulate empty or standard ener MET  databooks as in any common calculation software. Please be aware that closing the databook can result in the loss of all data it contains. An appropriate failure handler has been added. For security reasons a two way password security was implemented. Try it and visit .