enerMET v1.3.7beta: multi window handling included

2017-11-25 The next step in the development of ener MET ( http://enerMET-data.ch ) included the preparation of multi window handling. You can now open several windows (e.g. empty ener MET windows, weather sheets or tabs for energy demand calculation - here results of the main jENERGY.js function will be provided - remark : jENERGY.js is the sister function of jWEATHER.js ). By clicking on the respective top window bar the corresponding window will be put in front and the others placed in the background. That window being in the front is also the active window, easily recognisable with the powerful bar color. As previously, the windows are also draggable and separately removable. For further information join either the newly launched E nergy . M onitoring . M anagement group on LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13564220 , follow via twitter: https://twitter.com/_kt75 or get directly in touch: wolfram.scharnhorst@protonmail.ch .