Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q04/2010: released

The fourth issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q04/2010 has been released. Please feel free to download the Notes from here: http://swm-group.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html . If you encounter any problems accessing the Notes please request a free copy of the Notes from: swm.group@gmx.net . You are also invited to forward the download link to further interested stakeholders and/or inform others about the S ustainable | W ater | M anagement | G roup. CONTENT What can you expect from the fourth issue of the Notes? The layout of the Notes has been modified once more. The Notes now come with a navigation feature, facilitating the access to the various sections. The event calendar section has been amended with detailed conference announcements and a new text element - the Key Note - has been added to the Notes. Having the significant troubles associated with the most recent financial crisis in mind, this fourth issue is mainly dedicated to the economic aspects of ...