Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q02/2011: released

As of today the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q02/2011 are released and available from

http://swm-group.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html (1)

If you encounter any problems accessing the Notes please request a free copy of the Notes from: swm.group@gmx.net. You are also invited to share the download link with other interested stakeholders and/or inform others about the platform Sustainable | Water | Management.

As in the previous releases, the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management are intended to provide concerned stakeholders with up-to-date information about ongoing developments related to water and its management, also addressing closely related issues like climate change. The present release of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management comes with contributions from key stakeholders in the field of sustainability:

> 2 Key Notes (IBM, Feldschlösschen)

> Technology (ETH Zurich Foundation, etc.)
> Research (Nex Mexico State University, etc.)
> Politics & Society  (Michigan State University, etc.)

Economic issues are again a key issue but also water footprinting, water desalination etc. are addressed. I wish you a good reading and welcome your contribution to the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management – Q03/2011. Please forward your contribution to: swm.group@gmx.net not later than 15th September 2011.

(1) alternatively you may directly download from http://www.datafilehost.com/download-d137e573.html
