Release Announcement: _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1 (single window version)
Keywords: hydro power, Africa, _sustinvent+, _sustindex, water dams
Important: Use Firefox, Chrome or Opera to run _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1.
As of today, 30th May 2013, the newest release of _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1 is available. This intermediate release comprises a number of functional as well as content related modifications since the release of v0.20 (23rd January 2013). On the one hand it represents the finalisation of the fundamental design process of the data base, of the graphical user interface (GUI) as well as of the data handling. On the other hand, with the completion of the inventory of the major water dam facilities (volumes: larger than 1’000’000 m3) located in Africa (in total more than 1’200 data sets) a first pivotal data package for future comprehensive sustainability analyses is available. Fundamental in this context is the evaluation and harmonisation (corrections applied where necessary) among the FAO-data sets (2009), national inventories and owner specific information. Accordingly, _sustinvent+ is currently the only data base that provides reviewed water dam information. You may
_explore the tool via or visit
_watch the promo video
_look at the presentation
_read the white paper
Technically _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1 is designed as single window, cross-platform tool and requires the following minimal requirements:
_Web browser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera are supported; Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported
_Java needs to be enabled in the browser
_Flash Adobe Flash Player is required
_Pop-up Windows need to be enabled
The white paper describes briefly the newest release of _sustinvent+, informs quickly about the functionality and provides a brief outlook concerning the planned next steps. Read more...
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