coming soon: _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1 (single window version)/Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management

-- a _kt75 | note
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The next release of _sustinvent+ includes: complete and corrected water inventories of Africa and Middle-East, in total more than 4'500 data sets comprising comprehensive documentation and including several thousand of online documents. Try it already today... or read more about the recent version - _sustinvent+ v0.51 RC1 (single window version).


The Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management Vol 4 will be issued by mid of December 2013. It focuses on the following topics

- Hydro power strategies in the Middle-East
- Re-communalisation of water supply equipment in Europe
- Implications of brown coal mining on ground water
- Update of _sustinvent+ v0.605 RC1

Previous issues of the Notes are available via...
