Call for Abstracts: Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water ManagementQ01/2014

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The next issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management will be released early April 2014. The original content structure of the notes 
  • Technology, 
  • Research, 
  • Politics&Society
will be completed by the new section
  • Energy
As previously, abstracts of newly published - but also not yet published - articles addressing the above sections and concentrating on water management and related topics are welcomed. The contributions should range in the order of 200-400 words (in exceptions and if acceptable larger contributions are accepted as well), they must be written in English (well formulated) and they must be provided along with the complete references. Submit your contribution until 29th February 2014, either as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt-document to 7TYV87EJ6Y98
