Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q01/2014
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Download: Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management - Q01/2014.
The most recent issue of the Quarterly Notes on Sustainable Water Management (Q01/2014) is freely available.

This release of the Notes comes along with a substantial diversification in terms of content. As with this issue the section 'Energy' is inserted immediately after the section 'Technology'. By this, it is intended to emphasise and consider the importance of water as an important energy carrier.
Thematically, this issue concentrates on two highly sensitive issues affecting sustainable water management: the extraction of natural gas and crude oil by measn of hydraulic fracking on the one hand and the accounting of virtual water (especially with regarding to trading and agriculture) on the other hand. Both topics pose severe challenges. Whereas the former is often criticised to affect the natural water balance, in particular the mechanisms of the ground water regime, the latter is seen to impose rather political, thus economic issues.
Fracking has received increased awareness due to the environmental situation in North America (in particular Canada), also regarding the transport from Canada to the US-coasts, but also with regard to the national interests in the arctic regions.
The accounting of the virtual water impact appears to be not solved yet and, therefore, needs to be considered causing implications along with the growing globalisation of, especially agricultural and related production systems.
Download the full issue of the Notes free of charge: http://goo.gl/C5mGbK
Download previous issues: http://kt75-mirror.blogspot.ch/p/kt75-mirror-downloads.html
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