_silenced Setbacks in Sustainability Communication.

-- a _kt75 | note

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This is the two hundredth _kt75 | post since February 2010 and with a daily hit rate between 100 and 200 unique visitors the _kt75 | mirror appears to be a well-accepted source of information in a rather narrow niche: sustainable development with a focus on water management. However, even reliable entities like the _kt75 | mirror seem to be subject to some kind of censor-ship. Just recently the LinkedIN channel of the _kt75 | mirror was temporarily shut-down because of the following baseless accusations:
  • phishing
  • multiple contacting
  • spamming
Phishing was never done via _kt75 | mirror, neither multiple contacting. Remains 'spamming'.
Now, it might be worth to clarify that the _kt75 | mirror is operated without any kind of (3rd party) advertisement. The only service _kt75 | mirror offers (free of charge) is information supply. This effort is performed with highest dedication and accuracy. The intention is to provide reasonable, in-depth insights at the right time.
In this context it might be worth to buttress the seriosity of _kt75 | mirror with a few figurer, accordingly
That the LinkedIN channel of the _kt75 | mirror was subject to a temporary shut-down because of the above accusations is also perceived as a bad sign, a setback in free and liberal sustainability communication. If there is someone around not satisfied with something then this should be addressed directly. Accusations as the above can easily lead to some sort of censorship can definitely help preventing the dissemination of important information. Even more - free and liberal debates ask for sound ethics, accusations cannot be part of this.

Despite of the above accusations, the _kt75 | mirror will be operated as before and interested stakeholders are very welcome to explore its services. This might, however, imply that the the LinkedIN channel of the _kt75 | mirror will be shut-down definitely. In this case you are very welcome to sign-up for the _kt75 | first reader and/or join the platform Sustainability2.0.
