On the Rise: US Deployed 5.8MW of Energy Storage in Q1 2015, Up 16% Over Q1 2014
reprint (by W. Scharnhorst)According to the latest U.S. Energy Storage Monitor, a quarterly report from GTM Research and the Energy Storage Association (ESA), the United States deployed 5.8 megawatts of energy storage in the first quarter of the year. That's up 16 percent over the first quarter of 2014.
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Seventy-two percent of the nation’s recently deployed capacity was in front of the meter across six storage systems. The remaining 28 percent was behind the meter at residential, commercial, education, nonprofit and military sites. Behind-the-meter storage had a record first quarter and is trending upward in terms of total share of deployments. In fact, GTM Research forecasts that U.S. behind-the-meter storage sales will surpass front-of-meter storage sales by 2018. Storage is a unique distributed energy resource because it can behave both as load and supply on the grid as needed, which can enable it to deliver more than just end-customer benefits. As of the first quarter of this year, GTM Research identified 11 different programs or pilot deployments using behind-the-meter storage for grid or wholesale market services, the largest of which is the more than 150 megawatts of behind-the-meter energy storage that is being procured by Southern California Edison as part of its local capacity requirement (LCR) program. Continue in the reader mode or Read on...
A new research study from Energy Storage Update shows emerging energy storage technologies may face commercialisation challenges as utilities stick to tried-and-tested technologies from reputable vendors. Early indications are that US power companies are shunning innovative technologies and early-stage developers in favour of tried-and-tested equipment from major suppliers, according to the report from Energy Storage Update. One source quoted in the study says around 60% of the storage currently being considered for installation across Californian utilities is likely to be in the form of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. The balance will probably be small-scale hydro, natural gas compression, liquid air storage, and flywheels. Another source, from Southern California Edison, indicated that the company’s energy storage testing programme was all using lithium-ion batteries. Elsewhere, utility respondents also expressed a clear preference for industry-leading suppliers such as Sharp, LG Chem and Panasonic. “Big companies like ours only like to deal with more established companies, with actual balance sheets,” said one. The findings will be sober reading for innovators and start-ups looking to commercialise breakthrough alternatives to Li-ion. Innovation is currently at a high across the energy storage industry as companies hope to cash in on US growth markets such as California, where up to 1.1GW of power is under procurement, and Texas, which has 450MW planned or installed. Other significant markets emerging in America include Arizona, Hawaii, New York and Puerto Rico, says Energy Storage Update’s US Energy Storage Technology Outlook. The study also points out that residential energy storage, which is not subject to regulation in the same way as the utility market, has the potential to grow substantially in states such as Hawaii, New York and California. The Californian market was last year being tipped to become something of an energy storage test bed in the wake of the California Public Utilities Commission’s Assembly Bill 2514. A year on, while a number of utilities are still laying plans there is some early experience to suggest this will not happen.
Although not explicitly stated in the report, it seems reasonable to assume that utility customers in particular are looking to minimise any risk to their grid operations by sticking to technologies and products that have rock-solid track records. Read on ....
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