HTML: filtering table

A quick and simple solution to filter large html tables as used in IMMO.invent* is needed. The filter is placed on the table header and is selected via drop-down menu. The below solutions works when filtering one column at a time [1]:

[1] filter html table (Stackoverflow),

However, this solution works only when applied to one single column of a html table. 

When filtering a diverse number of columns in a html table is needed, than this nice plugin was adopted [2]:

[2] Simple jQuery Dropdown Table Filter Plugin - ddtf.js (Github), 

Other solutions might be interesting but turned out to be either to complicated or to simplistic:

[3] filter html table (Stackoverflow),

[4] filter html table (Stackoverflow),

[5] filter html table (Stackoverflow),

[6] filter html table with multi-criteria (Stackoverflow),

* IMMOinvent is a web-based application to analyse the energy demand and potential greenhouse gas emissions of large municipal real-estate portfolios.
